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Sales Superhero - Stuck Opportunities

Want to learn more about Sales Acceleration Tools?

Our 1-Day Sales Superhero course covers a variety of topics including salesforce.com reporting, dashboards, and tools targeted at sales acceleration.

Sales Superhero - Stuck Opportunities

Welcome to LiveSalesforceTraining.com, Sales Superhero. Learn ways in which you can close more deals faster. This video is an introduction to our 1 day class.

Sales Superhero combines tools, reports, dashboards, and sales acceleration requisites into a comprehensive course that increases sales. Learn to track and automate sales processes and then use that data to drive sales with reports and dashboards. Apply best practices and simplify your sales processes making them more efficient.

Let’s see an example of one of the tools you will be build in your class: Stuck Opportunities. Identify which opportunities are stuck in your pipeline with this report. Overcome objections and hurdles to move your opportunity to a closed sale. Close more deals, faster.

  • Create a new report
  • Select the Opportunities report type
  • Switch your Opportunity status to “Open”
  • Verify which fields will help your users identify problems, such as custom fields, next step, Opportunity owner, Opportunity name, Account name, etc
  • Add Stage Duration to the preview area
  • Hover over Stage Duration’s title, click on the arrow, and summarize this field by Average.
  • Notice in the grand total area you can now see an average
  • You should also do this for the “Age” field
  • Then summarize your amount field by SUM
  • Group the report by opportunity stage – this switches the report to a summary format
  • Still in the preview pane, click on “show” next to Add Chart. Then hide the details
  • Go back under show and click on conditional highlighting
  • Select Average Stage duration and define a range that is a reasonable
  • We want to switch the green and the red because lower is better in this scenario
  • Run the report
  • Now you can see highlighted stages that are not meeting your quotas
  • At the top you can adjust your timeframe; show your opportunities, your team’s opportunities, or all opportunities you have access to.
  • Save your report

Your end users running this report can now select which stages are in red, and then drill down into your stuck opportunities. Click on “show details” to review more information about each opportunity.

This report can also be grouped by: record owner, stage, record type, account, or more depending on your needs.

In our one day class, you will also create tools such as:

  • Revenue by Product
  • Product Pipeline Matrix
  • Opportunity Pipeline
  • Opportunities by Owner timeline
  • Soon to Close Opportunities
  • Stuck Opportunities
  • Overdue Opportunities
  • Lead Conversion History
  • Personal Opportunity Report
  • Opportunities by Account

Use your newly created tools to develop a Sales Dashboard for you and your team to help close more deals faster.

This course is available virtually, at our training facility, and at your place of business in select locations.
Become a Sales Superhero with live Salesforce training.

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Customer For Life developed and trained us on a world class salesforce.com and Cloud Computing system. The benefits were immediate. They began by analyzing our needs with great insight.
Kay Sangha
  • CFO, ShipServ Limited
  • CFO, iJento