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Adding a Custom Field

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Adding a Custom Field

This Salesforce.com tutorial teaches you how to create and add a custom field to the Lead Object in Salesforce.

Live Salesforce Training shows you how to create custom fields to track all relevant customer specific data. Use this information to target your opportunities and convert them into customers for life.

The user starts in a lead record, and then navigates into the back end using the admin quick menu for creating a new Custom Field. A user can then select a data type (the picklist is used in this example) and then added to the page layout using the drag-and-drop interface.

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Wow...very good training and a good value. We have never invested in Salesforce.com training and thus have underutilized the product. I am sure we will use your company for future needs as we go forward with our re-launch.
Darlene Delano
  • Information Systems Manager